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Applicazione dell'isolamento sismico per il miglioramento sismico degli edifici danneggiati dal terremoto aquilano

D. Corsetti

DOI 10.12910/EAI2015-087

Contact person: Daniele Corsetti - 

A dieci anni dal primo intervento di adeguamento sismico di un edificio esistente mediante isolamento sismico alla base, eseguito a Fabriano, vengono presentate alcune applicazioni nell’ambito della ricostruzione post sisma all’Aquila. Pur constatando la semplicità concettuale dell’isolamento sismico e la sua applicabilità a una grande varietà di edifici, l’esperienza ha dimostrato come l’applicazione a edifici esistenti debba essere “fatta su misura”, con accorgimenti studiati caso per caso, e richiedono esperienza e sensibilità da parte del progettista

Application of seismic isolation for seismic strengthening of buildings damaged by the earthquake of L’Aquila

The earthquake of 6 April 2009 destroyed the social and economic network fabric of the town of L'Aquila. Since then, many buildings have been restored and some designers have taken the opportunity of rebuilding the town applying innovative technologies. In this context, despite the inevitable bureaucratic hurdles and economic constraints, added to the death of Mr. Mancinelli in 2012 (GLIS Member), several projects were carried out on existing buildings with the idea of applying base seismic isolation. A decade after the first application of this solution on an existing building in Fabriano by Mr. Mancinelli, the experience has proved to be a success, both in terms of achieved results and ease of management. For L’Aquila earthquake the idea was to replicate the positive experience of the “Marche earthquake”, though the problems and obstacles to face often were substantially different.
The experience outlined below is a summary of the issues faced and resolved in two projects, taking into account that any solution can be further improved and refined depending on the ability and sensitivity of the designer. We have come to the conclusion that the projects of a base seismic isolation of existing buildings are "tailor-made" projects, and that the solutions have to be analysed a case by case, even if the main concepts are simple and applicable to a wide range of buildings
