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Comportamento sperimentale e modellazione numerica di dispositivi di isolamento sismico: l’Incidente Probatorio per i dispositivi del Progetto C.A.S.E. a L’Aquila

A. De Stefano

DOI 10.12910/EAI2015-084

Contact person: Alessandro De Stefano - 

Si riporta la metodologia utilizzata nell’ambito dello studio condotto sulla qualità dei dispositivi di isolamento sismico utilizzati nel progetto C.A.S.E. all’Aquila a seguito dell’evento sismico del 6 aprile 2009, limitandosi ad alcune considerazioni di interesse generale. L’analisi dei risultati ha messo in evidenza alcuni aspetti del comportamento sperimentale dei dispositivi stessi e alcuni punti critici di cui tener conto nell’aggiornamento delle norme tecniche

Experimental performance and numerical modeling of seismic isolation devices: the procedural issue in a judicial process for the devices of the C.A.S.E. project in L’Aquila

The C.A.S.E. project was a large engineering realization, designed and built in very short time in L’Aquila after the strong earthquake of April 2009, to supply long-term provisional houses for people having lost their homes during the seismic event. Two or three-store houses were built on about 180 reinforced concrete plates supported by concrete or steel columns and base seismic isolators (about 7000 curved surface sliding devices). Due to doubts and complaints of a member of the technical staff of a supervising governmental Institution about the quality of the isolating devices with respect to the contractual agreement and the technical norms, the Court of L’Aquila started a preliminary investigation to ascertain the consistency of the complaints in view of taking decisions about the start of a criminal trial. The Author of the present paper, with the help of the Colleague Bernardino Chiaia, was in charge of the technical aspects of such preliminary investigation. This contribution shows and explains how and why the technical investigation was programmed and carried out; It is, substantially, a kind of methodological report; not any relevant detail of the results is shown and discussed here, being the trial still pending, except for few considerations of absolutely general interest. The analysis of the outcomes of the experimental campaigns, however, suggests some general comments on the nature and impact of the observable phenomena and on some critical points of the technical norms
